Space Flight Safety, 2016

The Space Flights Safety symposium — the international action consolidating the international efforts on safety of space flights at new technological and technological level.
Symposium language — English, Russian.
It is held in St. Petersburg to the period since July 4 on July 8, 2016.
– the congress-hall and Proving ground «Special Materials Corp»,
– the hall of educational exhibition complex "Cosmonautics and
Rocket Technology Museum" (Saint-Petersburg, Ivanovskiy ravvelin, Peter and Paul Fortress).
1.    Fire safety of Space vehicles.
2.    Protection of Space structures from space debris collisions and micrometeoroids.
3.    Safety at launch place and during takeoff.
4.    Radiation hazards and safety.
5.    Supercomputer predictive modeling for ensuring Space program safety.
6.   Power propellants.
Symposium events
5th of July — offsite plenary Conference meeting will be held in the
hall of educational exhibition complex "Cosmonautics and Rocket
Technology Museum"
(Saint-Petersburg, Ivanovskiy ravvelin, Peter and Paul Fortress)
6–7 of July — Scientific and production association of special materials
(St. Petersburg, Sampsonievsky pr. 28a), meeting hall.
During the Symposium 25 technical lectures were delivered. Timing for the lectures: totally 30 min, including 20 min oral presentation, 5 min questions and answers, 5 min discussion.
On the first day of Symposium all participants at midday watched the volley of two guns at Peter and Paul Fortress. The Plenary speaker Mikhail Marov, who opened the Symposium with his lecture, was given the honor by the city authorities to fire from one of those cannons thus announcing midday.
After finishing the sessions of the first day the participants of the Symposium visited the first gasdynamics laboratory, second department for studying reactive motion, which was founded by rocket designer Valentin P. Glushko and stayed in the same building of exhibition complex "Cosmonautics and Rocket Technology Museum" in Ivanovskiy ravvelin, Peter and Paul Fortress in 1932-1933.
Program Chair:
Nickolay Smirnov — Prof., Dr.Sc.-Hab., IAA Vice Chair
Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University & Scientific Research
Institute for System Studies Russian Academy of Sciences (NIISI RAS)
Country: Russia
M ikh ail  S il n i k ov  —  c o r re sp ond i ng  m e mb er  o f  R A S, academician of RARAN, Prof., D.Sc.-Hab., General Director of
«Special Materials Corp.», Director of Institute of Military Engineering and Safety Research
Country: Russia
Vitaliy Adushkin — Academician RAS, Institute of Geosphere
Country: Russia
Vladimir Betelin — Academician RAS, Director of Scientific
Research Institute for System Studies
Country: Russia
Igor V. Barmin – Corr. Member RAS, General Designer, Federal State Enterprize “TsENKI”, Russian Space Agency
Country: Russia
K. Takayama — Prof., corr. Tohoku University
Country: Japan
Grunde Jomaas — Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby
Country: Denmark
Dmitrii Panov —  General Director «NPO «Technomash» Russian Space Agency
Country: Russia
Igor Rubtsov — Director of scientific Analytic Centre «NPO
«Technomash», Russian Space Agency
Country: Russia
Jean Michel Contant — IAA Secretary General
Country: France
Jaye Koo — Korean Space University, Prof.
Country: Korea
Susan McKenna-Lawlor – Academician, Prof. D.Sc., IAA Com. on Space Physical Science Academician-Secretary.,
Country: Ireland
Vitalii Panov –  Vice-president of Russian Engineering Academy,
Country: Russia
Andrei Mikhaylin — vice director, corresponding member of RARAN, doctor of technical sciences, General Director Deputy in charge for science and development «Special Materials Corp.»
Andrei Sazykin — chief of Scientific and Methodical Center
«Special Materials Corp.», PhD
Mikhail Chernyshov — St. Petersburg State Polytechnical
University Head of Department, Dr. Sc.